In the United States it's called Noshavember, and involves a full beard as opposed to just a mustache; no shave at all, hence, "Noshavember".
November is also...
Adoption Month, Natl I adopt dogs. And attitudes
AIDS Awareness Month, Natl As a former volunteer at AIDS Services of Austin, I'm certainly aware of AIDS, and that hardly anyone's talking about it anymore...

Alzheimer's Disease Month, Natl It's called Floraheimers Disease at my house...
American Diabetes Month Grateful not to have diabetes
American Indian Heritage Month, Natl The Austin Powwow was last weekend
American Diabetes Month Grateful not to have diabetes
American Indian Heritage Month, Natl The Austin Powwow was last weekend

Aviation History Month Aviation is when what goes up can go up and come down on a schedule, for a fee...
Celebrate Empty Nester Month I'm guessing this is a smaller and smaller celebration as the years go on...
C.O.P.D. Awareness Month, Natl I once got into an argument with a coworker (who was also a heavy smoker) -she'd been posing as an E.M.T. , and insisted that C.O.P.D. (Chronic Obstructrive Pulmonary Disease) was a "cardiac" problem. When I said it was a lung problem, more or less emphysema, she insisted that I didn't know what I was talking about because the "C" supposedly stood for "cardiac". I set her straight and she never forgave me for outting her as a fake. but I still had to work with her for years more before she was finally fired...
Diabetic Eye Disease Month They should insert "awareness"-otherwise it sounds like we're supposed to celebrate it...
Epilepsy Awareness Month My dog actually had it as a result of a head injury
Family Caregivers Month, Natl Family Caregivers? I had to look it up. "America's family caregivers are family, friends, partners, and neighbors."
Family Stories Month I got one. My father's father had a tattoo of a penis on his leg that went all the way down to his ankle...
Family Caregivers Month, Natl Family Caregivers? I had to look it up. "America's family caregivers are family, friends, partners, and neighbors."
Family Stories Month I got one. My father's father had a tattoo of a penis on his leg that went all the way down to his ankle...
Georgia Pecan Month, Natl Boo! Georgia has peaches and Vidalia onions, but Texas has the pecans.
Real Texas Pecan Pie from Stubbs in Austin
Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month I am aware that I'm lucky not to need a gluten-free diet...
Hospice Month, Natl Sad but important; support you local hospice; you may need their help someday...

Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month I am aware that I'm lucky not to need a gluten-free diet...
Hospice Month, Natl Sad but important; support you local hospice; you may need their help someday...
I Am So Thankful Month For for cooler weather, for family & friends, for the cooler weather, for any and every moment without pain, for the cooler weather, for not being homeless, for the cooler weather, for the fact that no one's shooting at me, for the cooler weather, for the light at the end of the tunnel, and the cooler weather...
Inspirational Role Models Month, Natl I'm certainly not a good about the Dalai Lama? or Kitty Carlisle?
Inspirational Role Models Month, Natl I'm certainly not a good about the Dalai Lama? or Kitty Carlisle?
Learn Chinese Month-Learn Chinese in a month? Good luck with that one...
Lifewriting Month, Natl -Lifewriting? I hate when they have a month for something I've never heard of. I looked it up; turns out that "lifewriting" means "journals, diaries, letters, autobiographies, and memoirs". Blogging too?
Lung Cancer Awareness Month Just don't smoke, don't hang around smokers, and demand clean air!
Marrow Awareness Month, Natl - Marrow is kinda hard to be aware of, unless you need a biopsy or transplant
Lifewriting Month, Natl -Lifewriting? I hate when they have a month for something I've never heard of. I looked it up; turns out that "lifewriting" means "journals, diaries, letters, autobiographies, and memoirs". Blogging too?
Lung Cancer Awareness Month Just don't smoke, don't hang around smokers, and demand clean air!
Marrow Awareness Month, Natl - Marrow is kinda hard to be aware of, unless you need a biopsy or transplant
Microfinance Month, Intl - Micro is all the finance I got!
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Donna Reed and Luciano Pavarotti died from it, among many others...
Peanut Butter Lovers' Month - I love that first spoonful (Jif, creamy) from a freshly opened jar.. the only thing that compares is the smell of a freshly opened can of tennis balls...
Pet Cancer Awareness Month -But let's not talk about it, OK?
Pomegranate Month, Natl -I remember picking one from horseback when I was a kid; leaning back in the saddle & spitting seeds
Prematurity Awareness Month - too late for me to be premature; I started out late, and I'm still late...
Roasting Month, Natl Wrong- this is chilling out month; roasting month was August...
Scholarship Month, Natl My son the genius got a full academic scholarship to a private elementary school when he was 8!
Vegan Month I admire vegans, but I don't like to try to feed them...
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Donna Reed and Luciano Pavarotti died from it, among many others...
Peanut Butter Lovers' Month - I love that first spoonful (Jif, creamy) from a freshly opened jar.. the only thing that compares is the smell of a freshly opened can of tennis balls...
Pet Cancer Awareness Month -But let's not talk about it, OK?
Pomegranate Month, Natl -I remember picking one from horseback when I was a kid; leaning back in the saddle & spitting seeds
Prematurity Awareness Month - too late for me to be premature; I started out late, and I'm still late...
Roasting Month, Natl Wrong- this is chilling out month; roasting month was August...
Scholarship Month, Natl My son the genius got a full academic scholarship to a private elementary school when he was 8!
Vegan Month I admire vegans, but I don't like to try to feed them...
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