Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Month (What?) (Actually, I plan to use this as an excuse all month)
Backpack Safety America Month
Be Kind To Editors and Writers* Month *(and bloggers?)
Biscuit Month, Natl
Chicken Month, Natl
Civics Awareness Month, Natl (Did you know that actor Richard Dreyfuss is an expert on civics? He's passionate on the subject. Wants it taught more effectively, in more depth, and to everyone)
College Savings Month (too late)
Coupon Month, Natl
Fall Hat Month
5-A-Day Month, Natl (5-what? I think they mean 5 servings, of fruits and veggies.)
Go Wild During California Wild Rice Month (another dandy excuse for going wild this month...)
Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month (no thank you)
Honey Month, Natl
Library Card Sign-Up Month (Which reminds me; I need a library card for Greenspan's memoir...)
Menopause Awareness Month (I'm aware already, I'm aware!)
Mold Awareness Month (Aware of that, too)
Mushroom Month, Natl
Organic Harvest Month, Natl
Osteopathic Medicine Month, Natl
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Natl (no thank you)
Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month
Pediculosis* Prevention Month, Natl (yuck)

Piano Month, Natl (I forgot how to play so I gave mine away....)
Pleasure Your Mate Month (I don't have a mate, don't need a mate, & don't want a mate; I prefer the company of my dogs.)
Potato Month, Natl (boring)
Preparedness Month, Natl (Prepared for what, exactly?)
Reunion Planning Month (no thank you)
Rice Month, Natl (boring)
Sea Cadet Month
Self-Awareness Month, Intl (Who, me?)
September Is Healthy Aging Month (I think that ship has sailed...)
Shameless Promotion Month (Isn't it always "shameless promotion month"?)
Skin Care Awareness Month, Natl
Southern Gospel Music Month (Oh Lordy)
Sports and Home Eye Health and Safety Month (ouch)
Strategic Thinking Month, Intl (duh)
Subliminal Communications Month ( !)
United Planet Month (Greetings, Earthlings!)
Update Your Resume Month (too late for that too)
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