Antidepressant Death Awareness Month Seriously. Cymbalta can effing kill you if you get off it too fast.
Bake and Decorate Month, Natl I'll put out pumpkins as soon as it gets cooler..
Book Month, Natl Working on "Dead Certain". Making excuses for not tackling Greenspan's memoir just yet...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Natl One of my best friends had it.
Canine Good Health Month, Natl As my dog Claude scratches in the background...
Celebrate Sun Dried Tomatoes Month I can't; they remind me of stuff stuck to the inside of a trashcan
Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month Viva los ninos... uh...bilinguales?
Celiac Disease Awareness Month Another one I'm grateful NOT to have....
Children's Magazine Month I like the "find pictures within pictures" page...
Bake and Decorate Month, Natl I'll put out pumpkins as soon as it gets cooler..
Book Month, Natl Working on "Dead Certain". Making excuses for not tackling Greenspan's memoir just yet...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Natl One of my best friends had it.
Canine Good Health Month, Natl As my dog Claude scratches in the background...
Celebrate Sun Dried Tomatoes Month I can't; they remind me of stuff stuck to the inside of a trashcan
Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month Viva los ninos... uh...bilinguales?
Celiac Disease Awareness Month Another one I'm grateful NOT to have....
Children's Magazine Month I like the "find pictures within pictures" page...
Chili Month, Natl Too hot in Texas; do it in January
Chiropractic Month, Natl Oh yeah, that's the spot...
Church Safety and Security Month Give it to God...
Class Reunion Month Nope. Alamo Heights HS & Southwestern U can carry on without me, & vice versa...
Communicate with Your Kid Month, Natl I promise you, he'd appreciate a little less communication from me!
Construction Toy Month, Natl Oh boy. I wanna play!
Chiropractic Month, Natl Oh yeah, that's the spot...
Church Safety and Security Month Give it to God...
Class Reunion Month Nope. Alamo Heights HS & Southwestern U can carry on without me, & vice versa...
Communicate with Your Kid Month, Natl I promise you, he'd appreciate a little less communication from me!

Construction Toy Month, Natl Oh boy. I wanna play!
Crime Prevention Month, Natl OK, OK, I won't commit any crimes this month. Happy?
Dental Hygiene Month, Natl Just this month? Gross!
Depression Education & Awareness Month, Natl Again, just don't take Cymbalta.
Disability Employment Awareness Month, Natl I'm aware that I'm disabled & unemployed; knew it last month also.
Diversity Awareness Month Just drive around Austin and dig it:)
Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Natl I'm against it. (Not awareness, violence.)
Down Syndrome Month, Natl (Hello, Ian:)
Eat Better, Eat Together Month Actually, I find it best that the dogs and I dine separately...
Emotional Wellness Month Happy thoughts, happy thoughts..
Family Sexuality Education Month, Natl Family sexuality? I don't think my family had that...but it was the '50's.
"Gain the Inside Advantage" Month, Natl What?! OK, is this for stockbrokers, salemen, lawyers, or oddsmakers?
Gay and Lesbian History Month All the way back to Adam and Steve
Dental Hygiene Month, Natl Just this month? Gross!
Depression Education & Awareness Month, Natl Again, just don't take Cymbalta.
Disability Employment Awareness Month, Natl I'm aware that I'm disabled & unemployed; knew it last month also.
Diversity Awareness Month Just drive around Austin and dig it:)
Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Natl I'm against it. (Not awareness, violence.)
Down Syndrome Month, Natl (Hello, Ian:)
Eat Better, Eat Together Month Actually, I find it best that the dogs and I dine separately...
Emotional Wellness Month Happy thoughts, happy thoughts..
Family Sexuality Education Month, Natl Family sexuality? I don't think my family had that...but it was the '50's.
"Gain the Inside Advantage" Month, Natl What?! OK, is this for stockbrokers, salemen, lawyers, or oddsmakers?
Gay and Lesbian History Month All the way back to Adam and Steve
German-American Heritage Month Sauerkraut....found out just yesterday that it's the only food my (adult) son hates.
Go Hog Wild--Eat Country Ham Month We spotted Domino the neighborhood pig recently, & he looked mahvelous!
Go on a Field Trip Month, Natl Does trick or treating count?
Halloween Safety Month Well that's a little on-the-nose, don't you think?
Health Literacy Month Go to the Medical Library.
Liver Awareness Month, Natl I ignore my own liver and I don't eat anybody else's (liver); I'm just not into liver.
Long Term Care Planning Month Groan~ back to National Depression Month
Medical Librarians Month, Natl Celebrate Health Literacy Month!
Organize Your Medical Information Month My old job! Or part of it...
Orthodontic Health Month, Natl I flunk this one; my own upper teeth are almost horizontal, with a half inch gap...

Go Hog Wild--Eat Country Ham Month We spotted Domino the neighborhood pig recently, & he looked mahvelous!
Go on a Field Trip Month, Natl Does trick or treating count?
Halloween Safety Month Well that's a little on-the-nose, don't you think?
Health Literacy Month Go to the Medical Library.
Liver Awareness Month, Natl I ignore my own liver and I don't eat anybody else's (liver); I'm just not into liver.
Long Term Care Planning Month Groan~ back to National Depression Month
Medical Librarians Month, Natl Celebrate Health Literacy Month!
Organize Your Medical Information Month My old job! Or part of it...
Orthodontic Health Month, Natl I flunk this one; my own upper teeth are almost horizontal, with a half inch gap...

Photographer Appreciation Month I appreciate & miss photographer/Renaissance Man Gordon Parks.

Physical Therapy Month, Natl Yeah, I do need to get to the gym...
Polish American Heritage Month I'd like to dance the polka with Oskar Homolka. (Except I think he was Austrian... )
Popcorn Poppin' Month, Natl A bad year for popcorn manufacturers; popcorn worker's lung now found in consumers...
Positive Attitude Month It's gonna be great!
Reading Group Month, Natl I read alone, thank you.
Rett Syndrome Awareness Month Just heard from the mother of a little girl who has this horrific disease (Hi Sarah!)- Check her site:
Right-Brainers Rule Month Sez who?
Roller Skating Month, Natl Aw, that's nice...
RSV Awareness Month, Natl I'm aware of it at least. Bad virus, attacks mostly little kids I think...
Sarcastics Awareness Month, Natl Yeah, like they really deserve a month, they contribute so much...
Seafood Month, Natl Had some yesterday, as a matter of fact, at Quality Seafood on Airport Blvd in Austin.
Self-Promotion Month I am so smart, I am so smart, I am so wonderful, I am so smart... Ta-DA!
Spina Bifida Awareness Month, Natl Aware of it, grateful not to have it.
Spinach Lovers Month I've literally dreamed about spinach. Seriously, I dreamed about a mountain of spinach souffle. Yum!
Starman Month, Intl Starman month? As in the movie with Jeff Bridges? Or is it about real starmen? And what, no starwomen?
Strategic Planning Month, Intl Exactly when? Precisely where? I need specifics.
Talk about Prescriptions Month No, how about let's not talk about prescriptions?

Vegetarian Month Vegetarians taste better, according to PETA, People for Eating Tasty Animals.
Women's Small Business Month Been there, done that, lost the t-shirt...
Work and Family Month, Natl OK, I pick family. No, work. Wait a minute...does it have to be the whole family?
Workplace Politics Awareness Month Oh, this is going to be fun...makes me kinda glad I'm unemployed...
Your post showed up on my Google Alerts because of the words "Rett Syndrome." While there are tons of awareness things in Oct, this one is especially important to me because me daughter has Rett Syndrome. She can't walk or talk or use her hands or move normally. She is trapped. She is in pain. It is a devastating life to lead. She is very brave. You can see Sarah at and click on Sarah's page.
She will be cured one day. They have recently proven it is reversible. It could be the first curable neurological disorder. I hope you root for her. We need all the help we can get.
Good night and blog on...
Mom to Sarah
I had no idea. Best wishes to Sarah and everyone who helps her. I hope they find a cure soon.
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